ICAPP Updates
ICAPP Update (22-21) ICAPP Special Conference on "Security and
Cooperation: Role of Political Parties" Dear Distinguished
Members of the ICAPP Standing Committee, The ICAPP
Special Conference on "Security and Cooperation: Role of Political Parties,"
which will be held on 22 November 2022, will be provided both in-person
and online.
It will be hosted by the New Azerbaijan Party in Baku, Azerbaijan. The 30th
anniversary event of the New Azerbaijan Party, however, will be held in-person
only. In this vein,
if you have not yet registered for the Special Conference, we kindly ask you to
send us the registration forms as soon as possible, and indicate whether to
participate in the Special Conference in-person or online, along with the
preferred session of speech. Sincerely, Cho Byung-jae Secretary-General
of the ICAPP Enclosure: -Registration Form |