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Subject ICAPP Update (23-02) List of Hydrogen-related Corporations in Asia to be Invited to the 1st Meeting of the ICAPP Business Council
Writer ICAPP
Date 2023/01/16
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ICAPP Update (23-02) List of Hydrogen-related Corporations in Asia to be Invited to the 1st Meeting of the ICAPP Business Council


Dear Distinguished Members of the ICAPP Standing Committee,


As confirmed at the 38th SC Meeting held in Istanbul in November 2022, the 1st Meeting of the ICAPP Business Council (IBC) will be held under the theme of “Opportunities and Challenges of Asian Business in the Era of Climate Crisis” in Busan, Republic of Korea between 30 April to 3 May 2023.


The co-hosts of the meeting, the Minjoo (Democratic) Party and the People Power Party of the Republic of Korea, recommended the participants of the meeting pay closer attention to hydrogen’s potential as clean, secure and affordable energy in the future. The ICAPP Secretariat prepared a list of hydrogen-related corporations in the region which could be invited to the meeting, in addition to the business leaders to be recommended by the SC Members.


In this regard, the SC Members are kindly reminded to recommend two (2) business leaders from the business community of their countries, as agreed to at the 37th SC Meeting held in Prague in June 2022. The list of 19 business leaders who have been so far nominated by the SC Members is attached herewith. In case you haven’t made any recommendations, please submit the nomination of the business leaders to participate in the IBC activities to the ICAPP Secretariat.


Attached are tentative program, concept paper, list of business leaders nominated by SC Members (as of January 2023), and list of hydrogen-related corporations in Asia to be invited to the 1st Meeting of the IBC. The SC Members are kindly requested to review and submit any comments or suggestions.



With warm regards,


Chung Eui-yong

Chairperson of the Standing Committee



1. Tentative Program

2. Concept Paper

3. List of Business Leaders Nominated by SC Members (As of January 2023)

4. List of Hydrogen-related Corporations in Asia

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